28 June 2023

Roku Nana | The Art of Saké Pairing

One of the questions people often ask us: “Why Saké? Why not any other liquor?”

For us, it’s the incredible variety and versatility that Saké has. Roku Nana is the home of Malaysia’s largest Saké collection, not just to provide more options, but also to pair Saké with our many different dishes.

When you visit Roku Nana, your Saké can be chosen for you by our accredited Saké Sommeliers including Malaysia’s first Saké Ninja. We will recommend one bottle of Saké that pairs well with every course of your meal, which is almost impossible to do with other liquors such as wine or whiskey.

Saké has a high amount of amino acids, approximately 7 times higher than other alcohols. This allows Saké to be the universal bridge between your food and liquor. Not only that, Saké is one of the most natural alcohols you can get, it consists of water, rice and koji, nothing else. No sulphates, no stabilisers.

We believe there is a Saké for everyone, no matter what your tastes are, there is a Saké out there that fits you perfectly. It is our goal to experiment and pair our guests with their perfect Saké.


2/6/23 - The Beauty of Fresh Ingredients


25/5/23 - A Journey of Culinary Companionship